Converting ZULU Time To Local Time
To make the conversion to your local time, see the chart below. Find your local time in the first column. If you are on Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT), you would use the second column to find your Zulu Time/UTC. For instance, if it's 11 a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time in Washington, D.C., it's 1500 hours in Zulu time/UTC. See legend below. |
LEGEND: EDT = Eastern Daylight Saving Time EST = Eastern Standard Time CDT = Central Daylight Saving Time CST = Central Standard Time MDT = Mountain Daylight Saving Time MST = Mountain Standard Time PDT = Pacific Daylight Saving Time PST = Pacific Standard Time |
Atlantic Basin 2024 Tropical Cyclones
Alberto | Beryl | Chris |
Debby | Ernesto | Florence |
Gordon | Helene | Isaac |
Joyce | Kirk | Leslie |
Michael | Nadine | Oscar |
Patty | Rafael | Sara |
Tony | Valerie | William |
Past Storm | Active Storm |
Eastern Pacific Basin 2024 Tropical Cyclones
Aletta | Bud | Carlotta |
Daniel | Emilia | Fabio |
Gilma | Hector | Ileana |
John | Kristy | Lane |
Miriam | Norman | Olivia |
Paul | Rosa | Sergio |
Tara | Vicente | Willa |
Xavier | Yolanda | Zeke |
Past Storm | Active Storm |